TESL OTTAWA & TUTELA: Fall PD Conference, Saturday, November 20th, 2021
November 20th, 2021
Schedule at a Glance
9:00 – 10:15 Plenary: Listening and Speaking in Hybrid Courses: Strategies for Learning
and Assessment
Convenor: Dr. Leanne Johnny
10:15 -10:30 Break
10:30 - 11:30 Workshop: Are you Literate Enough?
Convenor: Sarah Langridge
Listening and Speaking in Hybrid Courses: Strategies for Learning and Assessment
Leanne Johnny
With the end of the coronavirus pandemic on the horizon, educational institutions across Canada have been reopening physical learning spaces and gradually bringing students back into classrooms, at least for some portion of their courses. This partial reentry means that, for the foreseeable future, many instructors will be tasked with using hybrid models of education that provide students with both in-class and virtual learning opportunities. This presentation will explore strategies for implementing this hybrid model within the context of language learning with a particular focus on listening and speaking skills. For instance, what speaking activities are best suited to in-person learning given the new reality of masks and social distancing? Moreover, are there some tasks and assessments that we can do better in virtual environments? Drawing upon recent research in the field of language learning, this presentation will make recommendations to help instructors maximize the benefits of different modes of delivery.
Dr. Leanne Johnny is a professor in the field of English for Academic Purposes. She is a passionate and experienced professor who has worked at colleges and universities across Canada, consulted with the United Nations, and been involved in a number of educational projects in China, Japan, Sweden, Venezuela, and Tanzania. She completed her PhD in Culture and Values in Education at McGill University and is currently an EAP professor and interim OSLT coordinator in the Language Institute at Algonquin College.
Are you Literate Enough?
Sarah Langridge
Are You Literate Enough? Aims to help seasoned and new teachers find alternative ways to approach speaking, reading and listening skills in their Literacy classrooms. This workshop will cover topics such as how we learn our first language and how to replicate such environments in our classroom, along with new ideas for listening games. This workshop is meant to make you think and challenge you to be a more creative instructor to more deeply engage your students and help your literacy-level learners succeed!
Conca, M. (2021). Five (FUN) ways to teach listening to YL (effectively). International House World Organisation. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from https://ihworld.com/ih-journal/issues/issue-42/five-fun-ways-to-teach-listening-to-yl-effectively/
Sarah Langridge is an EdTech Development Coordinator at Carleton University and an ESL instructor. Sarah has taught literacy skills in Kingston and Ottawa with non-profits and the school board. Sarah has also taught LINC, EAP and WLT courses over the past ten years. She has a passion for trying new things in the classroom and she enjoys sharing her research and experience with others. She is also a guest blogger for TESL Ontario and you can read her posts at http://blog.teslontario.org/author/sarah-langridge-bitar/